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Royal Jordanian & cashU partner to expand customer base

Jan - Amman

The Middle East is no exception with prepaid cards predicted to be a major force by 2015. As a result, cashU, a leading secure online payment provider, and Royal Jordanian today announced a new partnership that enables RJ customers worldwide to complete secure transactions on www.rj.com using cashU’s prepaid cards.

Alternative payments such as prepaid cards are predicted to play a major part in airline transactions by 2015 increasing to 23% from 19%, where it currently stands at.

The fast and simple online process involves RJ customers selecting the cashU icon as a payment method. Once done, RJ will forward the customer to the cashU payment page with details of the purchase. The customer is then required to enter their cashU account number and pin code in order to authorize payment. Once payment is made, cashU will immediately transfer the amount to RJ followed by a successful transaction confirmation which is sent to the customer. Customers can top up their cashU account, electronically or by using the plastic cashU prepaid card with a scratchable pin code and unique bar code number. Users can purchase cashU cards from six UAE Exchange Houses in Amman, Jordan.

Amer Hadidi RJ President and CEO said: “The partnership between cashU and RJ is reflective of the current Middle East market, illustrating the rise in prepaid cards as an alternative payment method.”

“We have opted for this deal to offer our customers an alternative method of payment. Through cashU Prepaid, customers can have access to a secure, flexible and convenient payment method that enhances their planning and booking experience. It will also reduce the chances of last minute abandoned sales,” added Hadidi.

“Both RJ and cashU will enjoy extensive exposure through this deal, not only among their existing customers but also potential ones. Having cashU integrated as a payment method will provide users with access to a whole new category, in which they can use their accounts to make safe and secure online transactions. This indicates the importance of having a prepaid online payment options besides the traditional methods available,” said Martin Waldenstrom, CEO of cashU.

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